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Boarding services

Cold Spring Farm PA LLC takes pride in being a family owned and operated farm nestled in the hills of Chester County.  What started years ago as a small private farm for Cindy's personal horse and a tiny pony for her daughter, has since grown into a busy full service facility. While the farm has grown and expanded over the years, it has never lost the personalized, one-on-one care that made it so special from the start.


Cindy is hands on in the daily care of each horse and pony, and develops an individual feeding and turnout plan based on each animal's need. Her care philosophy stresses ample turnout time, feeding high quality and consistently sourced forage, and a consistent de-worming and farrier schedule.  Understanding each horse and ponies individual personality and needs, along with this philosophy creates happier, and healthier horses and ponies. 






30 minutes of instruction specifically tailored to the rider. Perfect when building a new skill or prepping for a show. 




1 hour of instruction specifically tailored to the rider. Extra time allows to work through issues or perfecting a skill. 

 Daily Turnout

Horses and ponies receive ample turnout daily in same gender herds based on their dietary and behavioral needs. 


We believe the key to a happy and health horse starts with letting them be one. 

 Trails and hacking

Explore our wooded trails or cross over a tiny bridge and continue on a light bridle path hack around the property.


There are plenty of surrounding fields and trails for hacking. 


12' x 12' stalls for horses and pony sized stalls are cleaned, deodorized, and bedded with fresh straw daily. 

Indoor arena

Massive indoor arena with full jump course and heavily maintained sand footing. 


Industrial fans and fully surrounded windows provide amazing ventilation and relief during summer months.

Additional care

Boarders can make horse care easy with our blanketing options, strategic de-worming program, and clipping services. 


In additional to feeding locally sourced, high quality forage. We feed Purina, Triple Crown, and Smart Pak supplements twice a day as provided by owner. 

Boarding rates

Includes full use of facility, stall cleaning, turn-out, hay, grain fed twice daily.

Includes full board plus five schooling rides per week. Perfect for green, or those needing a tune up. 

Includes training board, advertisement, and sale services.

Full Board
Training Board
Inquire for pricing
Sale Board
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+ 20% commission

*Additional services provided are billed monthly. Farrier/vet services are to be paid at time of service. A price list is provided upon arrival. 

  • Coggins dated within 1 year

  • Rabies vaccination within 1 year

  • EEE/WEE, Tetanus, West Nile, Botulism, Potomac Horse Fever, within 1 year

  • Flu/Rhino within 6 months

  • Account set up with Unionville Equine or Farm View Vet for emergency and prevenative veterinary services. Owner's responsibility to coordinate these services.

Boarding requirements

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